Symptoms of
The medical term for voice problems is Dysphonia.
People with Dysphonia have difficulty using their voice.
You may not experience the same or full set of difficulties constantly and some symptoms come and go or present themselves with prolonged speaking:
- A feeling of tightness, a lump in your throat
- Muscle tension or strain in your neck, jaw or throat
- Hoarseness or a rough voice
- A weak voice, reduced volume or inability to raise your voice?
- A strangled or breathy voice
- A voice that cuts out
- Loss of range or loss of your upper register when singing
- Vocal fatigue or reduced vocal stamina
- Throat irritation – a feeling of an irritation of something stuck in the throat
- Chronic throat clearing or coughing
- Difficulty breathing
These symptoms can occur from vocal over use or misuse, persist after a respiratory tract infection or from structural changes to the vocal cords.
The good news is…
We can restore or eliminate your symptoms with voice therapy. Think of it as going to the gym for your voice!